I was introduced to this book through a recommendation from a dear friend of mine, Bro. Ed Gibson. He is a man who is challenging the status quo of independent Baptists when it comes to world evangelism. The "traditional" way churches look at Missions has some very distinct flaws, especially in the 21st century. Let's not keep doing what we've always done just because it's what we've always done - let's do what works best to reach people with the Gospel. Brother Ed is leading the charge, in my opinion, for the necessary changes to independent Baptist Missions.
If you are familiar with Johnny Hunt, you know that he is a Southern Baptist pastor. I probably lost a few readers right there - but don't let his affiliation rob you of the chance to learn from this book. Johnny Hunt partners with about 5 other pastors in this book, mostly to share how God has challenged and changed the way their churches looked at world evangelism (yes, beyond even the SBC's "Lottie Moon" offerings). And I am not exaggerating when I tell you that the philosophy of Missions presented in this book is spot on and totally Biblical.
It is not a very long book - a little over 100 pages, I believe. Any church leader or church member who has a passion for world evangelism should read this book. Some of the common themes in the 6 or so stories presented in this book include church members getting PERSONALLY involved in the work of missions, as opposed to merely throwing some money in plate to go to a faceless missionary reaching a forgotten people group. This is how a church will catch fire for Missions - when the PEOPLE begin to fulfill the Great Commission themselves, instead of literally paying other people to do it for them.
Those words sound harsh, but that is about the extent of any sort of strategy in the average independent Baptist church: The pastor has a few college buddies that are missionaries - so he invites them to come present their ministry, the church takes them on for support, and the missionary sends a letter every few months talking about their broken down car and MAYBE a few conversions here and there. I'm being very harsh, but also realistic.
WHERE IS THE STRATEGY???? The Great Commission is the most serious task that Christ left to the church! How can we be satisfied with ourselves? What happened to CHURCHES having the burden for world evangelism, instead of a few (and getting fewer) full-time missionaries having the burden and having to BEG churches to support them? Meanwhile, this family will spend probably 5 years and close to $250,000 on deputation (rough estimate of average) BEFORE THEY WILL EVEN GET TO THEIR FIELD!
We can do better than this! We MUST do better than this! This book does not have all the answers, but it definitely will help you start thinking in the right direction.
I read this book, then my pastor read it, then we gave it to all our Missions Committee members and deacons. Our church is seeing the change of mindset already. We have a long way to go, but we are making real progress.
Please, read this book. It may help you see your part in the Great Commission a little more clearly.
If you would like to have a thought-provoking speaker at your church's next Missions Conference, I would highly recommend Bro. Ed Gibson. Email me, or contact me through Google+, and I'll get you his contact info.
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