Hi! Thank you for visiting Bro. John's Opinion Page. I am John Chancey, the author of this blog. I have been serving on the staff of Layton Chapel Baptist Church in Spring Lake, NC since July of 2007. My wife Bethany and I both graduated from Trinity Baptist College in Jacksonville, Florida.
Reading is definitely my favorite hobby; but I also enjoy listening to music, playing guitar, singing, and preaching!
I started this blog so that book lovers could see my opinions about the books I read. Talking to other readers and reading book review blogs are great ways to find new books and authors to try! So, hopefully you will find something on this site that will be of interest to you.
Feel free to leave comments on any post (I moderate all comments). I would love to hear what you think about the books/reviews on my blog.
Some Questions and Answers:
1. Why don't you review movies? My wife and I rely on some other excellent websites for movie and TV information. We always try to find out about a movie's content before we watch or purchase it(Ratings aren't always helpful). Check out www.pluggedin.com for good Christian perspectives on current movies, video games, music, and TV shows.
I have my hands full just trying to review the books I read!
2. Do you only read and review Christian books? The short answer is no. However, I tend to stay within the Christian Fiction genre. I will also review inspirational, theological/apologetics, historical, and biographical books. Also, I do not review every single book that I read, but I try to get most of them on here.
3. Can I recommend a book for you to review? I love to hear recommendations of books to read! However, please understand that I already have a stack of books waiting on my shelves! So, I may not get to your book recommendation for quite some time.