Without exaggeration, this is the most helpful book on Bible study/reading that I've ever read. It contains very, VERY practical advice on Bible study and reading. Now, I'm not talking about doing a "Bible study" book. I'm talking about just you and the Word of God. Let's be honest: most of us don't do very well when it comes to studying the Bible. The vast majority of Christians today ADMIT that they don't even read the Bible (see article about a major study done by Barna here). If you didn't follow the link to the story, I'll give you the bottom line - nearly HALF of Americans who CLAIM TO BE CHRISTIAN say that they only read the Bible once or twice A YEAR. That' beyond pitiful.
What are the other half of America Christians doing? Probably struggling to read and study their Bibles - but at least (hopefully) attempting. Bible study can be a frustrating task. There are certain passages that are easy and obvious, then others that are extremely difficult and even obscure. To complicate the matter, we are talking about studying a book that was written a LONG time ago, in another continent. Our cultural frame of reference blinds us to much of the significance of the historical aspects of the Bible pages. How can we overcome these disadvantages?
This book will make you feel like the Bible is your best friend. Why are we so scared and unsuccessful when it comes to Bible study, when God WANTS us to learn from it?
The book is in three major parts: Observation, Interpretation, and Application. In my own life, Observation is the biggest challenge to Bible study. Part of my problem is over-familiarity... "Oh, I know what this passage says. Skim, skim, skim." I have to learn to look at each passage like I've never seen it before. Dig deep, and look at each word, phrase, sentence, verse, and paragraph.
The other two sections were great, as well. The chapters are not too long, and most of them end with a "You Try It" section, to put into practice the lessons taught. These are very helpful.
I can't say enough how much this book has changed the way I read and study the Bible. It is a book that I hope to re-read - maybe several times.
My wife and I started this book together, and she finished it before I did. We learned some interesting things, like the fact that she can learn better from some methods of study than I can (and vice versa). But I believe both of us have benefited greatly from this terrific book. You should go out and get this book TODAY! You need all the help you can get to maximize your study of the Bible.
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