There are very few novels that have, in my opinion, made such a strong point. Bill Myers paints a crystal-clear picture of the necessity of God's existence. How can you imagine life without a guide for morality? (The Universal Moral Law is one wall atheists cannot break down.... otherwise, society will crumble - which this book illustrates).
In this book, Nicholas, a fierce atheist philosopher, becomes involved in a software experiment that involves the creating of a society with real artificial intelligence. At first, the society always destroys itself (because the programmers only use models that do not include a universal moral law). When Nicholas is brought in (against his will) to solve the problem, he slowly discovers that the "Programmer" must intervene in order to free the digital world from the "curse." By the end of the book, Nicholas understands why Christ came to die - because God as the "Programmer" of reality has intervened to free us from sin. Wow!!!!
So, if you have even a weak interest in apologetics, READ THIS BOOK! If you have friends who are open-minded but agnostic, buy a copy and give it to them. It may be just the push in the right direction that they need.
This book has a fantastically original storyline and transparent characters. If I could, I'd give this book 10 out of 5 stars. You will probably never read a better fictional illustration of Biblical truth.
So, if you have even a weak interest in apologetics, READ THIS BOOK! If you have friends who are open-minded but agnostic, buy a copy and give it to them. It may be just the push in the right direction that they need.
This book has a fantastically original storyline and transparent characters. If I could, I'd give this book 10 out of 5 stars. You will probably never read a better fictional illustration of Biblical truth.
NOTE: The author also includes some questions for reflection, and he also offers to host a 20 minute question-and-answer session by speakerphone if you have a class or group of 10 or more that study the book!
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