The author of this book had the power of God behind his words. Not infrequently while reading its pages was I deeply convicted and ashamed. In fact, hardly a chapter could go by without my pondering how perfectly the words written apply to my life.
Do not make the mistake of assuming this is a work strictly about revival; it is a call to holy living and prayerfulness and preaching the truth of God's Word without fear. It is a mandate for all believers to embrace the Spirit of the Living God and to continue the mission that was started by those amazing Christians of the book of Acts.
While I must admit that a few statements and cultural references were dated, the bedrock truth remains as fresh and as needed today as it was when Christ walked the earth. Sprinkled throughout each page of the book are wonderful nuggets of inspired wisdom, worthy of remembering and telling others - and Ravenhill had a remarkable talent for phrasing things in such a way to be easily recalled later. ("Catchy phrases" we would call them; but that title does not diminish the power and truth of the statements he makes).
Leonard Ravenhill's preaching echoes the power of many of the ancient men of God whose voices are lost in time but whose words and lives still impact Christianity today. I have a feeling that this book will only GAIN influence and reach MORE people as the days go on, unlike many of the thousands of books churned out by Christian authors each year. READ THIS BOOK, and read it on your knees with the mirror of God's Word exposing your own heart; and be changed.