Thursday, April 11, 2013

"The God Diagnosis" by Dr. Greg E. Viehman, M.D.

 Recently, my pastor placed this book into my hands, and simply said: "That's a great book."  Now that I've read it, I believe that statement is equivalent to looking at the Grand Canyon and saying, "That's a big hole."

This book is the story of Dr. Greg Viehman's journey to faith in Christ. I really didn't know what to expect when I started. This doctor was a stranger to me - I'd never heard of him. So, I figured it would be a typical testimony.(Doesn't that sound terrible?  How is it "typical" for ANYONE to be miraculously saved by the grace of God?)

The story starts with the description of Dr. Viehman and his restlessness in life. He had everything that life could offer - except peace. The questions in his heart about the purpose of life, and whether or not some things last forever, went unanswered for so long. He was lost, hopeless, unhappy, and frustrated. A few encounters with Christians left a fairly bad taste in his mouth - and he figured they didn't have any answers either.

Through a series of events, Dr. Viehman sets out to prove that Christians are hypocrites - to prove that the Bible is baloney.  Through careful, methodical study, he realizes instead that the Bible is incredibly true (this part of his story, which he calls The Investigation, is excellent! most Christians probably never realized how entirely reasonable it is to believe that Jesus is God, and that the Bible is God's absolutely true Word. It's not just a blind leap of faith!).

After coming to the conclusion that the Bible is true, God exists, and Jesus came to earth to die for his sins, Dr. Viehman is born again..... but there are a few surprises both before and after the fact! I can't say too much more, because I want you to read the book!

This book is perfect to give to anyone. If they are seeking answers, they might follow Dr. Viehman's journey and find them. If they are NOT seeking answers and peace and salvation, they might realize that they NEED to. And if they are already believers in Christ, they might be convicted that salvation is a miraculous work of God. - and that God is much nearer than we maybe ever thought.

Deep enough to intrigue the most skeptical mind, yet simple and understandable enough to reach anyone, this book is a powerful story. I just can't help but praise the Lord for his grace after reading such a fantastic true story of a journey to faith!  It makes me appreciate my own salvation testimony even more.

You can find more information on the book's website:

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