Friday, February 6, 2015

"Sunday School that Really Works" by Dr. Steve Parr

This is a fantastic book about the administration of a Sunday School strategy in the local church. It's probably the best I've read on the subject of Sunday School.

Some things I love about the book:
1) The emphasis on reaching the lost with the Gospel. The author states this emphatically all throughout the book. If we aren't reaching the lost with our Sunday School, then our Sunday School is not effective.
2) He addresses all different age groups, not just adults. He has information in here for every class from PRESCHOOL up to Senior Saints. You don't find this is most books on this subject.
3) He presents helpful organizational ideas to the teachers. Many teachers feel they don't have the time to be a great Sunday School teacher, but Dr. Parr offers them ideas to maximize their potential.
4) He addresses both administration and communication aspects of teaching. Both are important, and any teacher can do both well.

There is just so much great information in here, every pastor or Sunday School teacher ought to buy one and read it.
It is available in e-book form, as well.